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Doctarate Degree |2023-2027| University of Oxford
DPhil | Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP
A Levels |2018| Wimbledon College Sixth Form
(In Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, respectively)
Undergraduate Degree |2023| UCL
MSci Theoretical Physics | First Class Honours | 79.4%
GCSEs |2016| Wimbledon College
6 A* (In Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Physics and Religious Studies)
2 A (In English Literature and English Language)
2 B (In History and French)
University of Oxford - Linacre EPA Cephalosporin Academic Futures Scholarship
University of Oxford -Black Academic Futures (BAF) Scholarship
UCL HEP Brian Duff Studentship
(Declined due to scheduling)
UCL MAPs Studentship
Bronze Award UKMT Intermediate Mathematics challenge
Bronze Award UKMT Senior Mathematics challenge
Bronze Award Chemistry Olympiad
Old Wimbledonians University Scholarship
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